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2022's Big Butterfly Count is underway

It is a nationwide survey aimed at all ages and abilities. All you need is the app or a printed out identification chart and 15 minutes of your time on a sunny day.

2022's Big Butterfly Count is underway article image

You can even complete it in your garden- what an enjoyable and great way to excite everyone about nature right on your doorstep.

Many of our butterflies are in decline, their numbers and distribution have decreased over recent years.

Our Conservation Manager Jo has been doing several butterfly counts at all three of our conservation sites. These beautiful butterflies were spotted at our Woodsetts site and recorded by Paul, a member of our animal team.

The big Butterfly count started on the 15th July and ends on the 7th August. Why not find a sunny spot and join in and see how many species you can spot? Then send your findings to www.bigbutterflycount.org

Tropical Butterfly House logo

Wildlife conservation at the heart of everything we do

Wildlife conservation at the heart of everything we do